

Medzinárodný školský projekt | Opis projektu | Informácie o projekte uvedené v prihláške | Plán projektových stretnutí | Predpokladané projektové aktivity | Ako sa zapojiť do projektových aktivít | Staedtische Gesamtschule, Duisburg-Meiderich, Nemecko | Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 35 przy Zespole Szkół Specjalnych  Nr. 2, Ruda Śląska, Poľsko | Miltoncross School, Portsmouth, Anglicko | Escola Secundária/3 Camilo Castelo Branco, Vila Real, Portugalsko | Namık Kemal İlköğretim Okulu, Polatli, Turecko | LOGO projektu (návrh) | Adresár projektových aktivít | Vianočný a novoročný pozdrav v reči každej partnerskej krajiny | Projektové stretnutie PORTSMOUTH 20. - 24. januára 2013 | Medzinárodné projektové stretnutie v KANIANKE, 21. - 26. apríl 2013 | Ďakujeme, KANIANKA | INFORMÁCIE pre účastníkov cestujúcich do POĽSKA | INFORMÁCIE pre účastníkov cestujúcich do PORTUGALSKA | INFORMÁCIE pre účastníkov cestujúcich do TURECKA | ZÁUJEM o projektové stretnutie v NEMECKU | INFORMÁCIE pre účastníkov cestujúcich do NEMECKA


Opis projektu

From Sep 2012, "Get Europe Up and Playing" (the GET UP!) project will bring together pupils from 6 schools to participate in a range of sport and music genres over a 2 year period.

Each partner will host a music and sports event in turn.  The sport offered will be previously agreed to reflect one which is  popular in each region but less known to the other pupils.   
Pupils will develop an appreciation of local music by attending local music events and working together to compose and perform a GET UP!/Comenius theme song.
Pupils will develop time management and leadership skills in organisation of visits, events, and final outcomes.
Project progress will be posted on the joint etwinning website set up by the coordinating school.  Pupils will develop their use of new media (and conventional means if needed) in ensuring all participants are kept up to date.
The project will reach the student body in each school via cross curricular work including knowledge about each partner country (literacy, geography), population and economic data (literacy, numeracy, maths),  composition, unifying and divergent trends in music - past and present (music & history), religions and culture (Religious education, citizenship, culture and/or personal and social education), rules and demands of different sports (literacy, sport, biology, science).
Staff will use visits to observe partners' strategies to overcome deprivation and increase motivation and leadership.
The project will culminate in a Eurovision style music festival in Germany in which pupils will perform their own music and a joint GET UP!/Comenius theme song and produce a pupil-produced directory of all the sports encountered.  These will be recorded, distributed and publicised to pupils, staff, parents and local communities in each country.



    Ul. SNP 587/4
    97217 Kanianka
  • Riaditeľka: 046/ 54 00 530
    mobil: 0917977392

    Ekonomické oddelenie:
    046/54 00 021, 0903 890 981

    Šk. jedáleň:
    046/54 00 620, 0903 859 831
